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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Chelmer & Blackwater Canal

19th January 2018


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
22.5 5H32 4H55 32 7 1 29



Courtesy of https://www.willowboathire.co.uk/localarea

The Fisherman's Lodge area of Hanningfield Reservoir, my normal starting point for local walks, was closed due to rennovations, so I chose to return to an "old haunt", the Chelmer & Blackwater Canal. The only problem was that I had forgotten how muddy the tow path gets in winter, and whilst this was only a 22.5 km walk over five and a half hours, I was actually quite tired as I reached Chelmsford. It was a beatuiful day with frost about, but at least the frost hardened up the muddy walking surface during the earlier part of the day. I had recently bought a new 10-18mm wide angle lens for my Canon 40D DSLR, and was quite keen to try it out on this walk.


Out to sea at Heybridge Locks, with the Blackwater estuary beyond.

The Jolly Sailor, one of two pubs at Heybridge

The Old Ship pub










The confluence of the Chelmer and the Blackwater



Looking south from Long Weir



Rickett"s Lock



Pipe bridge near Langford Water Works

Hoe Mill Lock


Approaching Paper Mill Lock



The cafe at Paper Mill Lock


Baddow Mill Lock

Willows being grown for cricket bat timber

Sandford Mill lock moorings

Sandford Mill Lock

The new A138 bridge at Chelmsford

Springfield Lock, Chelmsford